Quick Start
  1. Note the Name and License Key as shown in your License Key email.
  2. Download the latest version of ZipControl from the RPF Software web site.
  3. Run the ZipControl installation program downloaded from the RPF Software web site.
  4. Either accept the default or modify the drive and directory in which you wish ZipControl to be installed.
  5. Tell the Install to proceed.
  6. Exit the Install program.

Run ZipControl
You should find a new folder on your Desktop, RPF ZipControl. Open this folder to find the ZipControl program object. Double click the ZipControl program object.

Enter License Key
Click on the Product Information button. Click on the Edit button. Enter your Name and ZipControl License Key.

Using ZipControl
Use the on-line Help to explore ZipControl features.

If you encounter difficulties in using ZipControl, EMail or US Mail a full description of the steps you have taken and the problems encountered to RPF Software at the address on the Support page. We will promptly address and attempt to resolve the problems you report.


Thanks for selecting RPF ZipControl™